At the moment, I offer three kinds of layouts: complex website, blog/collective, and header. Examples of these and their prices can be found below. Click on the thumbnail images of the examples to see them in full-size. If you're confused or have any questions, feel free to e-mail me about them.

These types of layouts are generally used for fansite layouts and websites with a lot of content that needs to be organized neatly. They're the most time-consuming for me to make, but the end result is always unique and professional-looking.

http://bonnie-fan.com http://broken-faith.net/angus http://the-quibbler.org

These types of layouts are generally used for blogs and collectives with only a few pages of content. The flexible coding allows for many creative layouts, as well as embedded iFrames (see second and third examples).

http://broken-faith.net http://broken-faith.net http://broken-faith.net

HEADERS: $7.00 (USD)
These types of layouts are very simple in nature, and are commonly used in layouts at LiveJournal.com. If you order one of these headers for your LJ, please note that I will only provide coding like the third example, which is compatible with both paid and basic accounts. If you don't like that coding, then you'll simply get the header from me, and you can code it yourself.

http://potthead.livejournal.com http://supernatural_tv.livejournal.com http://inyourpants_.livejournal.com

These are layouts for professional/business sites. No price is listed since I handle such orders on a case-by-case basis because not all professional/business sites are on the same level (some are bigger than others, some are profit-based while others aren't, etc). If you'd like to order a professional/business layout from me, then please e-mail me directly (don't use the order form) so we can discuss pricing and details.

http://sigmaxi.tamu.edu http://syhelpline.org.uk/